The Tackle

It’s been more than 30yrs, but I still remember one tackle. I was in elementary school and my parents were moving me from the YMCA football league to the City league. These kids were older and bigger. I was a little scared, but also knew that I was good. (Well, I thought I was.) It was my first day of practice and in spite of my nerves, I had something to prove. They put me in as a Defensive End and told me that my job was to make sure the ball didn’t get outside of me.

The quarterback got the ball and started running my way. I recognized it as the “Option” and saw him pitch to the running back. With 3 blockers coming right toward me, I could make out one leg on the runner. My heightened awareness caused everything to go into slow mo. I could see one tiny hole to thread the needle of defenders and I went straight to it. This wasn’t just a tackle during practice. I was earning my place on the team. It was important. I got him and more importantly, it caught the attention of my new coach.

I wonder if this is what we are all longing for? Singular purpose. Focus. Heightened awareness. A higher purpose for the mundane things we do each day. There were no distractions for me that day – well, not in that moment. Nothing could have taken me away from that moment. I was passionately pursuing that tackle and wouldn’t have noticed if a two-headed purple alligator had crawled onto the field.

Is there something that makes you get lost in the moment? Anything that stirs your passions so much that nothing distracts you?

The older I get, I must admit that the number of things that distract me has probably increased. My children command my attention and my bride deserves it, but I’m certainly guilty of not “hearing” them. When I’m with them, I find myself thinking about work or other things. When I’m at work, my mind is at home. I wonder how life would be different if I could truly just “be” wherever I actually am? Could I develop the kind of focus that allowed me to make that tackle in my regular, everyday activities? Somehow, I think Jesus may have been this way – completely present in every moment. The people He was with always seemed to think He was completely in tune with them. He always “heard” them. I wanna be like Jesus. Present. Focused. Passionate. Attentive. Loving.

Walking, Presence, Ice Cream, and Gratitude

08-11 walking smallOver Christmas I noticed something. Now that Kasen has learned to walk, we enjoy going out together to explore the world. I have to walk at a pretty slow pace so he can keep up, but it’s a lot of fun. Anyway, I noticed that when we walk together, I’m always looking up at the horizon – where we’re headed, but Kasen looks at the ground and the surrounding area. He’s worried about stepping over over rocks and picking up sticks, while my concerns are more about our direction and future. It’s important for me to look out for his safety and watch for cars coming over the horizon, but I wonder what I’m missing?

In the same way, if we live our lives always looking for the future – always concerned about being able to make the right corrections so we can be “safe”, we’re never fully present in the moment and will never be able to experience life to the “full” as Jesus talks about in John 10:10. By the way, we don’t have to stress about our safety/future if we’re in His hands. 

Anyway, just some thoughts today.

Another example of Kasen being fully present in the moment and relishing life happened in the car on the drive home from Ft Worth. We stopped and got ice cream at Dairy Queen. Each time Miranda fed him a bite, he’d let it melt in his mouth and then laugh and clap for it’s taste. It’s as if he was encouraging God with a standing ovation saying, “Yeah God! You did a good job on this one! Do it again!”

Do I celebrate and thank God for the small things? Is the taste of ice cream really a “small thing” or is it truly another expression of God’s love for us?

Secret O’ Life

I don’t know what it was, but something about this song made me start crying in the car the other day. I was looking for songs I could learn to play and sing with Kasen and thought about “Sweet Baby James.” After listening to it, this one came on.

Anyway, God has been showing me how to live in the present lately and truly be in the moment. Maybe it has something to do with watching Kasen’s emotions jump from total contentment to crying out hysterically, and back to laughing all in a matter of about 30 seconds. I mean – how does that work? He is totally present in the moment and everything he experiences is right there on his face. Someone once told me that if I was feeling happy, I should notify my face and put on a smile. That’s not a problem for Kasen though – he’s totally transparent. Why is it that we as adults have learned to hide it all? Everything about our lives seems to be about “playing the part” or “fitting in” and so we put on these “poker faces” that hide our true feelings. How would life be different if we decided to be vulnerable? What if I lived completely in the present – truly experiencing and feeling everything completely? Did Jesus live this way or was He worried about His reputation so much that He hid His true feelings?

Anyway, this song makes me think about enjoying every moment. Experiencing everything life has for us. Enjoying the present without regard to the past or future. Of course James Taylor didn’t mean it in a spiritual way, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t hit on the truth.

Secret O’ Life by James Taylor

The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time

Any fool can do it

There ain’t nothing to it

Nobody knows how we got to

The top of the hill (except those who believe in God)

But since we’re on our way down

We might as well enjoy the ride

The secret of love is in opening up your heart

It’s okay to feel afraid

But don’t let that stand in your way no

‘Cause anyone knows that love is the only road

And since we’re only here for a while yeah

Might as well show some style

Give us a smile now

Isn’t it a lovely ride

Sliding down

And gliding down

Try not to try too hard

It’s just a lovely ride

Now the thing about time is that time

Isn’t really real

It’s all on your point of view

How does it feel for you

Einstein said that he could never understand it all

Planets spinning through space

The smile upon your face

Welcome to the human race

Isn’t that a lovely ride

Sliding down

Gliding down

Try not to try too hard

It’s just a lovely ride

Isn’t that a lovely ride

Oh mama yes

See me sliding down

And gliding down

Try not to try too hard

It’s just a lovely ride

Now the secret of life is enjoying the passage of time